The SME Business Breakfast was held this morning at the Carlow Local Enterprise Office, featuring esteemed European business and design speakers. This was part of Faultlines, the inaugural Irish Design Research Conference, running from the 4th-5th of June. This breakfast session has been organised to enable Irish SMEs to engage in creative business processes, in order to develop competitiveness. The event was hosted by designCORE, an Applied Design Research Centre based in the Institute of Technology Carlow.

Graphic Mint are delighted to have had Séamus represent us in an impressive line up of speakers, presenting on best practices of Service Design, Experience Design and Customer Experience. Other speakers include Dragons’ Den entrepreneur Bobby Kerr and Founder & Designer at Schofield Watches, Gilles Ellis.
Design Thinking
Events such as this attest to the positive impact the Year of Irish Design is having not only on design communities, but business professionals. The ID2015 initiative has inspired and facilitated events which are allowing us to blend perspectives on critical and creative thinking.
As design and business become more immersed in Design Thinking, an exciting vision for Irish entrepreneurship is emerging. We have captured some key thoughts on the Faultlines conference below, from supporters speakers and attendees.
Key Thoughts
"Design leadership is key to creating experiences on which corporate reputations thrive. Business depends on getting it right" #Faultlines
— Irish Design 2015 (@irishdesign2015) June 5, 2015
Next up at the #smebusinessbreakfast is co-founder of @Graphic_Mint @SeamusByrne #Carlow #SME @itcarlow
— inCarlow | Carlow LEO (@CarlowLEO) June 5, 2015
Listening to a fascinating talk by @SeamusByrne about customer/end user experiences at #SMEBusinessBreakfast in particular journey mapping
— (@Greensideupveg) June 5, 2015