Last Thursday the 7th of May at 8:30am the first excited tweet went out from our team about kicking off Captivate: a CX Masterclass at the Wood Quay Venue. This event was a collaboration with our design peers Near Future, which we created to open the box on what Customer Experience actually means for large business owners, here in Ireland.

This was an intensive workshop about customer focus, explaining the complex topic of CX and exploring how to identify and seize opportunities to improve CX strategies. In the past, we contributed as volunteers to help advance the design community of Dublin with ventures such as Interaction12 and Defuse. With our Captivate Events, we are determined to invest in this current, important phase of Irish development by creatively engaging with business owners.

Dermot Casey | Building a Roadmap for a Successful Customer Experience Strategy
As a Principal of Near Future, Dermot’s session was focused on how to create your Customer Experience strategy in the context of digital transformation. He illustrated to attendees how important Customer Journey Mapping is to your CX strategy, and kicked off our speaking sessions with a fun, interactive workshop.
Séamus Byrne | At Your Service! Making Customers Happier Through Experience Design
Our own Director of Experience Séamus lead us through real life examples of those many touch points which either contribute to, or take away from, a positive Customer Experience. He demonstrated that from launderettes to airports, our products and services are filled with opportunities to make lasting, meaningful connections with our customers.
Siobhan Hennessy | Delivering an Impactful Customer Experience Programme Across Complex Organisations and Markets: The 10 Deadly Sins
Siobhan is Head of Customer Experience in Bank of Ireland and shared valuable insights based on 20 years of industry experience. She demonstrated how to establish and reach realistic CX goals to support your brand, with short and long term strategies. In the course of her talk Siobhan demonstrated that the key principles of CX can be translated effectively across many business situations.


To see so many people reaching out to engage with the topic of CX is of course a rewarding feat for both the Graphic Mint and Near Future teams. What we love most about events such as Captivate however, is the way in which speakers and attendees come to share ideas which can play a role in shaping initiatives of Irish business and enterprise to come. We have shared some key quotes and ideas from the Twitter discussion of Captivate: a CX Masterclass session below. Many thanks to all who attended and we hope to see you at another Captivate event soon.

Siobhan is captivating all with her discussion of CX as a "science" from analytics to monetisation data #CaptivateCX
— Graphic Mint (@Graphic_Mint) May 7, 2015
@SeamusByrne "In many ways experience designers are designers of time" #CaptivateCX
— Graphic Mint (@Graphic_Mint) May 7, 2015
Storytelling and journeys mapped out by @SeamusByrne at #CaptivateCX
— Dermot Casey (@dermotcasey) May 7, 2015